Sexual DictionaryDictionary of the F-Word

body's captain:

Usually preceded by: the / my, one's penis ; it implies that the little-head , or captain , is the one giving all the orders to the big-head .
Etymology: Coined by Walt Whitman. See penis for synonyms.
See Also: abuse-dwarfism, agastopia, anat, autodysomophobia, autoscopophilia, B.O., baby-split, batchelor's fare, BBT, bleached mort, bodily, bodily functions, bodmod, body esteem, bone house, bromidrophobia, bromidrosiphobia, cacti, captain, captain is at home, carcass, cicatrization, cock-a-whoop, contour, contrasexism, corporocity, crumb, depilate, depilation, dextral, dextrocardia, dextrophobia, dolorogenic zone, domine do little, dumb watch, erotogenic zones, face on a stick, figger, fish mitten, flab, frame, fumbler, fussock, fusty luggs, glimflashy, go around the world, gollompus, good figure, good looker, haunch, hawk one's meat, hawk one's pearly, hormonal reassignment therapy, horn work, hoydon, immuno-compromised, ipserotic, Irish beauty, krud, levophobia, midsection, monopathophobia, nondiscretionary fragrance, petting, physical, pop shot, pork packer, prime article, proof shot, PTA, queer mort, Russian salad party, scarring, soul case, splash shot, string bondage, tape, temperature eroticism, temple of profit, TLC, toilet talk, total coverage, trigger zone, tuck, turgescent, unfurnished apartment, wand vibrator, wet shot, wife in watercolors, wolf in the breast

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